As we were shown in class the diffrent cases of Alzheimer´s I learned first of all that it is not a diseas that any human being decided to have or has the option to make it go away. After watching the video one of the most importants things I saw was that this disease does not only affect the person with it but it affects mostly thier family members or people important to them. Lossing your mind , forgetting thing, halusinating, forgetting events in your life and names , are some of the few effects that alzheimer has. as said in the article ¨Alzheimer's disease — the degenerative brain condition that is not content to kill its victims without first snuffing out their essence — has for decades simply laughed at such efforts.¨ This disease will eventually kill you but slowly it makes you completly loss control and you stop understanding what is around you.You no longer understand reality from fiction. THey still haven´t found any cure for this and every year more people are affected by it. Something that also comes to my atention is that medicins and puzzels just help your mind be good for a while but after a certain amount of time it will all go away. I think that thier should be more reasearch and more doctors and `specialist trying to find a cure for alzheimers since it is and uncontrolled sickness since there is still no cure for it and death still comes with it. If i were in that position of taking care and visiting someone in that position i would have more understanding in the way family members suffer, as they realize that the person they love simply gets worst instead of improving, and they don´t know when the day will come when they completly forget about them. Eventhought they can maintaing someone with alzheimers alive for a long time i dont think you can call that living anymore because their are no memories no good moments, everything vanishis slowly and what you used to know is gone.
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