The Lobotomist which was and invention by Dr. Walter Freeman, lobotomy was created in order to help people with mental needs that could not be help by any other medication.Lobotomy is to separate frontal lobe with the rest of your brain and to stop the emotional access for people suffering from mental disorders. The procedure for the lobotomy was mostly performed on old people left in asylum or other with mental disorder which had nothing else to do then to suffer for their sickness and Walter Freman believed he could help them out . In 1930 the preformed shock therapy this proved that the meta disability of the people came from the brain. In order to prefor the lobotomy Dr. Freeman lookd for the fastest path to get to the brain, and also started the perfection of the lobotomy in search of a cheaper and accessible cure for psychiatric patients. The lobotomy consisted in "sleeping patients insert an ice pick trough their peeled eyeball and lid, then he would tap the ice pick with a surgical hammer and break through the orbital cavity of the eye to the prefrontal lobe. He would wiggle the ice pick to sever the frontal lobes . After the procedure patients would leave emotionles and with black eyes. The effect of the labotomy many people should improvement in their metal emotions and would change into having less frustrating feeling. Mistakes could have been done easily with the lobotmy many people could loss their lifes, it was performed on people with no other alternitives who belived the only way they counld be fix was with this procedure. One of the paitiens los thiere life with a careless incident while Dt. freeman took a picture while conduncting the procedure.Dr. Freeman had about 8 patients per day. Years later the medical community came againts this and freedom's opportunity to conduct this expirement became less. Then the "pill" was developed it had the same effect as the lobotomy but had reduced the risk of people lossing their lifes and was not as dangerous. A decade later the procedure was viewed as barbaric and Freeman was ordered to halt any procedures in asylums or hospitals. He was later viewed as a moral moster this was one of his bigest preoccupations to clear his name but this was never done. People had less respect for him and he could not preform more lobotomist since it was a risk for patients and had many side effects like the ones already metioned.
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